Setting Your Intention

You see the phrase “Set your intention” all over the place. What exactly does that mean?

There are stones, bracelets, necklaces, pendants all announcing they will heal your ailments or give you energy or make you relaxed. Does this mean if I put on a bracelet made from Black Onyx that I will suddenly get that blast of energy to put that proposal together and knock it out of the park, get a raise and buy a bigger house?

Sorry, no. It’s not going to work like that. (Dammit.)

But stones can be set for intentions to guide you toward all that.

Mkay, how?

Let’s say you have a bracelet made from Amazonite and it came with a card titled “Say It With Grace.” Its intention is to help you stay calm in a charged position. You chose it, out of everything else, not only because it’s pretty, but you need some help in a situation. Now let’s give it a job. Let’s set it for that purpose.

Hard? Complicated? Time consuming? Are you kidding me?

Here’s how hard/complicated/time consuming this will be:

As you hold it in your hand, in a quiet second before you put it on, say this (in your head or out loud).

My voice matters.

Say it again. Add a little.

My voice matters and I can use my words wisely. I can listen and hear. I will be confident.

Some say in order to be truly effective, you have to be barefoot, on the grass or dirt, having sage cleansed under a full moon, picturing a light and clearing your mind of every single thought. You could if you have the time. But I know my mornings offer none of that and I’m not in the mood to go out in the rain, barefoot and try to free my mind when I’ve already woken up late and cleaned up dog barf on the carpet.

No amount of intention is going to make that happen.

Start small and grow.

After your moment of mantra, put it on and get on with your day. You probably (brutal honesty, here) are not going to feel any different. You are probably going to wonder what you spent the money on and if it was worth it and what-the-hell?

It did this though; you took a moment out of your day and put words to goals. You spoke highly of yourself. You gave yourself (and the stone/s) instructions. You gave yourself a job. At the charged time of day, when you need it, touch the stone. Roll it around in your fingers (this is why bracelets and necklaces are great). Remind yourself what you said. Remind yourself that you are worth it. Breathe. And go on.

If it helps, great. If the situation still goes south; no harm, no foul.

Some crystal stones with great intentions:

Amethyst: anxiety, calm, clarity, peace
Banded Agate: emotional balance, harmony, immunity, physical healing
Botswana Agate: decision making, OCD, self-esteem
Lapis Lazuli: memory, concentration, communication, self-awareness
Obsidian: self-control, stress, tension, growth

Choose what moves you and then move to choose your goal. Then make it happen.


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