Equisetum arvense
Horsetail is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, coagulant, demulcent, diuretic and astringent activity.

Horsetail has been used in the treatment of a number of health conditions which include:
- Brittle bones
- Brittle hair
- Teeth and nail strengthener
- Gingivitis
- Tonsillitis
- rheumatic disorders
- edema
- osteoarthritis
- diabetes
- acne
- wounds
- itchiness
- rashes
- burns
- Frostbite
- Chilblains
- athlete’s foot
- cracked and tired feet
- ulcers
- gastrointestinal conditions
- cardiovascular diseases
- respiratory tract infections
- bronchitis
- fever
- bladder problem
- urinary tract infection
- bed wetting in children.
Horsetail is also known to strengthen the body’s immune system.

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